Ἐν χορῷ
ἕναν χορευτή;
Ἐδῶ ἔχουν ὅλοι τίμια ἐπαγγέλματα
ἀσφαλῆ ὡράρια καὶ βάδισμα
– σὰν στρατιῶτες –
Δὲ θὰ χωροῦσε κανεὶς ὀνειροπόλος
ἐδῶ, ὅλοι κοιμοῦνται νωρὶς
σὲ ἀνατομικὰ στρώματα,
κρύβουν τὶς ἀντιδράσεις τους
σὲ μαλακὰ μαξιλάρια
καὶ σκεπάζουν
φθηνὰ ὄνειρα
μὲ βαμβακερὰ σεντόνια.
Σ’ αὐτὴ τὴ γειτονιὰ
τὰ σπίτια εἶναι ὅλα ἴδια
μὲ τὰ ἴδια μουντὰ χρώματα
στοὺς πληκτικοὺς τοίχους
καὶ στοὺς πληκτικοὺς κατοίκους.
Οἱ δρόμοι ἐδῶ εἶναι τόσο
ποὺ ἕνα διαφορετικὸ βάδισμα
θὰ μάτωνε τὰ πόδια.
Οἱ δρόμοι ἐδῶ εἶναι τόσο
ποὺ λίγη βρωμιὰ
θὰ ἦταν εὐλογία.
Ε. Μύρων - 10/2016
1 σχόλια:
I am a new reader to your blog.I enjoyed reading your Poem.I too have written one about:
- My neighbors are sooo Banal.
I refuse to be part of their Wastelands.
- Really? Why is that?
- My neighbor on the ground floor,
A racist old bag,
Who keeps 'talking' to her pets.
My neighbor on the floor above,
A rich young lady,
Who likes opencrossing her legs to strangers.
The Rabbi across the road,
Who mashed his parrot
With a pair of scissors.
The Veteran next door,
Who washes the poor kid
With his mental condition.
The author with the vintage car
And the mirror windows
For the last 5 years and 10 months
Has been a stalker and a masturbator
Over the Tenant with the plastic boobs
And the medium size vibrator.
- Jeez! What kind of World do we live in?
- Indeed! But as I said,I refuse to join in....
I am looking for someone of extraodinary importance,
Whose kind of nature long I have forgotten.
So,I decided.I am moving OUT of ABYSS Road.
- Really? Where to?
- Just Downhill.
Ah! Fresh air,Green fields
Lost of flies and Eternal sleep...
I hope you enjoyed it reading..
Keep Writing.
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